Boycott Denmark until it stops the needless carnage of innocent animals

  • av: Elke Hutto
  • mottagare: Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II of Denmark‎ and Madam Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt

Your Majesty, we boycott your country until such a time when the senseless killings of animals in the Copenhagen Zoo and the obscene slaughter of pilot whales and dolphins at the Faroe Islands have stopped. Marius a healthy juvenile giraffe was shot, butchered on the spot, and fed to lions. All that in front of children who do not have the mental capacity to comprehend the scene and are probably scarred for life. March 25, 2014 came the announcement that four lions, two cubs and two elderly lions had been killed at the same zoo as Marius. A shift in paradigm of what constitutes a zoo definitely seems to be in order. The International community seems to agree. In addition, the continued senseless slaughter of pilot whales and dolphins to prove the manhood of some of your subjects is an insult to the intelligence of humans and animals. Most of the world agrees that sea animals are an integral part of our environment. They are not there to be used as part of a sport. Surely you can understand that this barbaric behavior reflects poorly on your people and the proud history your country has enjoyed in the past. Now it is time to enter the 21st Century.

While many changes have taken place in the hunt for whales and the Faroe Islands are an autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark, her majesty should protest and stop any attempt of continuing the whale killing. 

Your Majesty, we boycott your country until such a time when the senseless killings of animals in the Copenhagen Zoo and the obscene slaughter of pilot whales and dolphins at the Faroe Islands have stopped. Marius a healthy juvenile giraffe was shot, butchered on the spot, and fed to lions. All that in front of children who do not have the mental capacity to comprehend the scene and are probably scarred for life. March 25, 2014 came the announcement that four lions, two cubs and two elderly lions had been killed at the same zoo as Marius. A shift in paradigm of what constitutes a zoo definitely seems to be in order. The International community seems to agree. In addition, the continued senseless slaughter of pilot whales and dolphins to prove the manhood of some of your subjects is an insult to the intelligence of humans and animals. Most of the world agrees that sea animals are an integral part of our environment. They are not there to be used as part of a sport. Surely you can understand that this barbaric behavior reflects poorly on your people and the proud history your country has enjoyed in the past. Now it is time to enter the 21st Century.

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