Tell Mitch McConnell — you have blood on your hands! Do something about guns NOW!

  • av: OD Action
  • mottagare: United States Senator Mitch McConnell

For the second time in as many days, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has repeated the absurd assertion that the epidemic of mass shootings that our nation faces is actually a crisis of "mental illness and school safety." But in reality, it is a crisis of gun violence — and a crisis of non-existent Republican leadership.

Never mind the fact that he stringently opposes expanding access to healthcare of any kind, let alone mental health. American mass shootings have happened in schools, movie theaters, hospitals, nightclubs, military bases, churches, temples, synagogues, music festivals, Wal-Marts, airports, McDonald's, and post offices — and after each tragedy, McConnell again refuses to do anything about the common thread between them all: the gun.

Obviously, the issue is not one of school safety. Schools have poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into "hardening" their buildings to protect against mass shooters, and yet the tragedy in Uvalde happened despite all that.

Tell Mitch McConnell he has blood on his hands! Pass common-sense gun reforms now!

It isn't even a partisan issue. Commonsense gun reforms like expanding background checks and red flag laws are widely supported by voters on both sides of the aisle, but Republicans like McConnell and his cronies are beholden to the gun lobby and their dark money — and a perverse pro-gun ideological narrative that only serves their selfish political ambitions at the cost of American lives.

It's long past time he grew a spine and did something to stop the atrocities that keep happening again, and again, and again in the United States.

Tell Mitch McConnell — you have blood on your hands! Do something about guns NOW!

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