Make Bill O’Reilly Pay! Sexual Harassment is Not OK!

  • av: Aarti K
  • mottagare: Bill O'Reilly
This week, Fox News made the right decision by dumping Bill O’Reilly following multiple allegations of sexual harassment against him. Unfortunately, the New York Times has reported that O’Reilly will likely receive a $25 million payout from the network. This is outrageous and completely insulting to the women he preyed upon.

Bill O’Reilly does not deserve this money. He should donate the $25 million to organizations helping sexual assault victims, like RAINN, the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization.

Media Matters reported that the allegations against the anchor included “verbal abuse, lewd comments, unwanted advances and phone calls in which it sounded as if Mr. O’Reilly was masturbating.” This is disgusting, abusive behavior that does NOT deserve to be rewarded.

Sign this petition demanding that Bill O'Reilly donate his payout to sexual assault victims!
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