Demand an End to Lab Animal Testing, NOW'

There is an insidious lab in Quebec 'ITR Laboratories Canada' that tests on innocent beagles that are bred to be used as lab animals. Being a beagle owner myself i can tell you this breaks my heart even more. These poor dogs suffer torturous days without end. They never get walks or love. This laboratory also tests on monkeys and pigs too. They are not just tested on in horrific ways but also been thrown around by their ears and punched in the face and other cruel and atrocious ways.  We all need to think about changing that even if it hurts to think about such tragic things. I urge you to at least sign this petition in hopes that change will result someday and end this inhumane and cruel practice. There are other labs in Canada and the US, and some other countries. There are some countries that have banned testing such as Switzerland, Guatemala, Rio De Janeiro, Australia, Chile and South Africa. In the coming years i hope the number of countries, including Canada and the USA will ban these practices as well. 

I have decided not to post any disturbing photos or videos as it is much too graphic and disturbing. But if you have the courage to do so go here:

ITR Laboratory testing on Beagles

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