Demand West Ham ticket office phone line be cheaper to call! Say No to 0871 number

West Ham supporters are paying up to 68p per minute to book tickets, upgrade tickets or use their e-credits. We are calling for an end to this premium number and ask for it to be replaced with a geographic (01 or 02) or geographic-rate (03) number which is included within most landline and mobile call packages

Below is what you could be paying to call the Ticket office:

The cost to the ticket office phone line is 13p per minute plus an access charge from the caller’s phone operator listed below.

Three and Virgin Mobile charge their customers 45p per minute access charge to call 0871 numbers so the combined cost is 58p per minute.
EE charge their customers 50p per minute access charge to call 0871 numbers so the combined cost is 63p per minute.
O2 and Vodafone charge their customers 55p per minute access charge to call 0871 numbers so the combined cost is 68p per minute.
If you use a landline, the following rates apply:
BT charge their customers 11p per minute access charge to call 0871 numbers so the combined cost is 24p per minute.
Virgin Media charge their customers 11.25p per minute access charge to call 0871 numbers so the combined cost is 24.25p per minute.
Sky charge their customers 11.5p per minute access charge to call 0871 numbers so the combined cost is 24.5p per minute.
Sign my petition now to demand a cheaper phone line for buying West Ham tickets! If enough people sign, the West Ham board of directors will see that they must make this change for the sake of the fans!

Please leave a comment if you have been affected by this expensive phone line.

Dear West Ham United Board of directors

West Ham supporters are paying up to 68p per minute to book tickets, upgrade tickets or use their e-credits.

We are calling for on you to put an end to this premium rate number and ask for it to be replaced with a geographic (01 or 02) or geographic-rate (03) number which is included within many landline and mobile call packages.

Attached are 1,600 signatures together with comments of first hand experiences of this service.


Thank you for your consideration.



Kind Regards 



Sean Whetstone




Uppdatera #28 år sedan
The petition has been successful, we have been told today that the club will make an announcement next week to scrap the expensive premium rate numbers!
Uppdatera #18 år sedan
A big thank you to 1,600 of you who signed the petition to scrap West Ham's premium rate telephone numbers. The petition has now been sent to Karren Brady and her board of directors at West Ham.

There has already been positive dialogue with the club and we are hopeful that an official announcement will be made in the near future about the future of these numbers.

Signera petitionen
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