Solar Power Saved This Florida Town from Hurricane Blackouts. We Must Learn From Their Example.

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Governments of Florida, Louisiana, and North Carolina
In the wake of the recent hurricanes Helene and Milton, power outages plagued millions of people. Whole communities were plunged into literal darkness, without light or the ability to use other electrical appliances.

But there were a few exceptions. One was in Florida, in the coastal town of Cortez.

While many areas in Florida faced devastating power outages and chaos, the residents of Hunters Point - a groundbreaking net-zero development - remained unaffected. Their lights continued shining bright even as storms wreaked havoc nearby. Why? Because it was built to run on its own solar power.

Solar power works, and it is protecting residents in a major, hurricane-prone state from some of the devastating impacts of climate change-worsened hurricanes. Sign the petition to demand government leaders invest heavily in expanding the use of sustainable energy solutions!

Hunters Point was designed to withstand the harshest conditions, with homes equipped with solar panels and energy storage systems. Its "net zero" capabilities means that this residential community does not use energy from the state's usual power sources - instead, it sources its own energy from its many solar panels and batteries, generating excess electricity that is then sold or stored.

Meanwhile, most of the rest of Florida relies on the dirty process of burning natural gas to power its electricity. Energy that failed during and after Hurricanes Milton, Helene, and so many others before.

It's become clear that investing in solar is a matter of life and death during natural disasters. Yet, despite this literally shining example, many communities remain vulnerable, and the threat of climate change looms larger than ever.

Let's make solar energy the cornerstone of our response to climate change!

As climate change worsens hurricanes, we must call on leaders in hurricane-prone states, like Florida, Louisiana, and North Carolina, to make solar power a priority. Sign the petition to demand that these states' governments invest in solar power and renewable energy.
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