Demand REI Co-op STOP SELLING Bird Down, Now!

    Live-plucking is a very cruel, torturous and very painful practice that often leaves birds bloodied with infections. Years after the roll-out of the “Responsible Down Standard” (RDS): “Eyewitnesses have gone into farms that are linked to facilities that are RDS certified where live-plucking is still occurring," said PETA spokesperson, Lindsay Dadko, “The parent farms are the place where the birds are being bred, so animals there are living longer because they are breeding multiple times. So it's a very common place for live-plucking to take place."

    "In these parent farms, it is true that the risk of live plucking is higher," said Ashley Gill, Senior Manager of Industry Integrity at Textile Exchange, the global non-profit that worked with North Face to develop the "Responsible Down Standard" and now owns it, "There is really no good info, right now, to know how frequently or how widespread the practice of parent farm live-plucking is. And the standard is looking at introducing confirmation visits," said Gill. (CBSNews)

    In other words, severe animal cruelty is still going on - and profit seems more important, so we must insist companies to do the right thing by ending the sale of bird down products.

    Tell REI CO-OP to STOP selling bird down products and only offer Non-Animal alternatives as other companies already have!

    Help to put a STOP to animal cruelty by Signing and Sharing this petition online and with everyone you know - today!
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