Scheduled to open this coming May, Knockdown Center has tirelessly worked for over two years to create an unprecedented venue for arts and culture in Queens. Throughout this time we have conscientiously sculpted this impressive turn of the century factory, rich with personal and community history, into a versatile, inspiring environment for both makers and viewers. By design, the flexibility of our floor plan allows us to play with scale and positioning of multiple projects simultaneously, inciting surprising collisions between otherwise compartmentalized communities. Similarly, our for-profit model will aid us in creating paid opportunities for artists– which are, unfortunately, somewhat of a novelty even for America’s most gifted creative city.

Recently, two local civic organizations and a few Community Board 5 members have expressed opposition regarding our proposed capacity of up to 5000 people and our State Liquor Authority application that would grant us the right to serve them. In doing so they have publicly perpetuated false information, unfairly judged our intentions (as well as our potential clientele), and spun the facts to incite fear amidst our surrounding communities. Cited as their primary concerns are noise, disorderly conduct and “hipsters”.

We have done our due diligence exploring these issues leading up to our impending opening and throughout our entire development of the project. Prior to applying for our public assembly and SLA permits we hosted several events using temporary permits paying particular attention to the impact these events had on the community. In each case we worked with the consent of local police, provided the necessary security, and never received an official (or unofficial) complaint. We then took this a step further in February of this year when we commissioned a full acoustical study of our building and surrounding grounds. The study clearly demonstrates that our building is compliant within NYC Noise Code for our intended use.

From the beginning of this project the building has led the way. A work of art in and of itself, the scale demanded that we undertake something ambitious and inclusive of many different voices. Not only are we looking forward to assembling these voices and providing them an opportunity to get to know one another but we hope to foster an environment in which our surrounding communities are inspired to get involved and work with us to create programming that addresses their needs and interests.

If you are familiar with our project and are excited to participate in our programming please voice your support by signing this petition. If you would like to learn more about our plans feel free to email us at mail@knockdowncenter.com or phone 347.915.5615 for information or to set up an appointment to take a tour.

The signatures contained in this document were collected as a show of support for Knockdown Center in response to the following explanation:


Scheduled to open this coming May, Knockdown Center has tirelessly worked for over two years to create an unprecedented venue for arts and culture in Queens. Throughout this time we have conscientiously sculpted this impressive turn of the century factory, rich with personal and community history, into a versatile, inspiring environment for both makers and viewers. By design, the flexibility of our floor plan allows us to play with scale and positioning of multiple projects simultaneously, inciting surprising collisions between otherwise compartmentalized communities. Similarly, our for-profit model will aid us in creating paid opportunities for artists– which are, unfortunately, somewhat of a novelty even for America’s most gifted creative city.

Recently, two local civic organizations and a few Community Board 5 members have expressed opposition regarding our proposed capacity of up to 5000 people and our State Liquor Authority application that would grant us the right to serve them. In doing so they have publicly perpetuated false information, unfairly judged our intentions (as well as our potential clientele), and spun the facts to incite fear amidst our surrounding communities. Cited as their primary concerns are noise, disorderly conduct and “hipsters”.

We have done our due diligence exploring these issues leading up to our impending opening and throughout our entire development of the project. Prior to applying for our public assembly and SLA permits we hosted several events using temporary permits paying particular attention to the impact these events had on the community. In each case we worked with the consent of local police, provided the necessary security, and never received an official (or unofficial) complaint. We then took this a step further in February of this year when we commissioned a full acoustical study of our building and surrounding grounds. The study clearly demonstrates that our building is compliant within NYC Noise Code for our intended use.

From the beginning of this project the building has lead the way. A work of art in and of itself, the scale demanded that we undertake something ambitious and inclusive of many different voices. Not only are we looking forward to assembling these voices and providing them an opportunity to get to know one another but we hope to foster an environment in which our surrounding communities are inspired to get in involved and work with us to create programming that addresses their needs and interests.

If you are familiar with our project and are excited to participate in our programming please voice your support by signing this petition. If you would like to learn more about our plans feel free to email us at mail@knockdowncenter.com or phone 347.915.5615 for information or to set up an appointment to take a tour.

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