BAN wild animal Circuses in Australia

Castle Hill in NSW Australia have hosted the Stardust Circus which crudely boasts as being Australia's largest wild animal Circus.  This disgusts me on so many levels, other suburbs and states in Queensland are moving to ban the likes of these barbaric forms of supposed entertainment.

Please help me change the law on Animal Circuses in this otherwise wonderful Country. 

I need assistance in numbers to present a petition to the Premier of NSW, Mr Barry O’Farrell to inform him of the gross mistreatment of these animals, please support me by signing this petition.

Dear Mr Barry O'Farrell,

I am writing to you to bring to your attention of the cruelty of Animal Circuses, in particular the Stardust Circus recently performing in Castle Hill NSW.  These animals are confined to small barren cages for the majority of every day, animals in circuses have no opportunity to display natural behaviours.  Physical or mental ailments are often the result of being kept in these restrictive conditions. This cruel treatment of animals has no place in modern entertainment and teaches children nothing about respect for animals.

Around the world, in Federal and State legislation, and in successful motions passed by numerous local authorities (including some 40 in Australia), the enforced performance of animals for entertainment in circuses has been outlawed. These animals spend their lives in captivity, are subjected to cruel and punitive training methods (of which there is abundant video evidence - please visit the website for more information: and are being constantly transported around the country so that their owners can turn a profit and audiences enjoy watching animals perform unnatural tricks for their idle amusement.

These barbaric displays are a blot on the horison of our supposedly civilised community and should be outlawed for ever. I urge you to initiate/support State legislation in to achieve this goal.

As one of your constituents, I look forward to your response to this letter and please let me know if you need any further information.

Kindest Regards
Simone Coulon
603/8b Mary Street 
Rhodes NSW 2138

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