Wealthy Nations Must Step Up for Tibet and Nepal After Earthquake Claims 120 Lives

A devastating 7.1-magnitude earthquake has torn through Tibet and Nepal, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. More than 120 lives have been lost, and thousands more have been injured, trapped under collapsed structures, or displaced.

Entire villages in the remote Himalayan region have been reduced to rubble, with over 3,600 homes destroyed and 30,000 people left without shelter. The survivors now face freezing winter temperatures, plummeting to well below zero, with limited access to food, medical care, and protection from the bitter cold.

While the international community has often been silent on Tibet's plight, this earthquake offers an opportunity to act where it is most urgently needed. Sign this petition to demand that the governments of wealthy nations provide aid and assistance to impacted communities in Tibet and Nepal!

This tragedy has hit a region already burdened by isolation and political oppression. Tibet, a land of immense spiritual and cultural significance, remains one of the most restricted areas in the world, with its people suffering under decades of occupation, terror, and state-sponsored violence. While much of the world has otherwise turned a blind eye to Tibet's plight, this earthquake presents an opportunity for action.

Wealthy nations, many of which remain silent on Tibet's human rights struggles, can at the very least answer this urgent call for humanitarian aid. The people of Tibet and Nepal need food, medicine, shelter, and warmth immediately--and the resources to rebuild their lives in the weeks and months ahead.

This is a test of our shared humanity. The wealthiest nations in the world have the resources to make a difference. They just have to decide to act. Sign this petition to demand that wealthy nations rise to the occasion and show the compassion and leadership this moment requires.
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