Nevada; Implement Animal Abuse Registry To Stop Cruelty Like This Dog Dismemberment Case

  • av: SUE LEE
  • mottagare: State of Nevada

Please sign and share this petition in an effort to ask Nevada to implement an animal abuse and cruelty registry that should be required investigating any time an individual is working with, caring for and considering adopting an animal. Maybe if such a registry was in place, this beast would not have purchase sweet Chihuahua-mix dogs just for the purpose of harming and dismembering them. This is very disturbing and something must be done!!!

Recently an individual bought dogs that were advertised on Craig's List and did the unthinkable with these poor, innocent animals! The man, Jason Brown, purchased the five small dogs and brought them to his Super 8 Motel Room where he killed and dismembered the poor animals. Authorities were alerted of the incident when a maid entered the man's room after he left, and discovered dog limbs and bloodstains around the room.

As police authorities entered the room, they found five butchered dogs, several knives and scissors. A small refrigerator contained four severed dog heads. The man who was finally apprehended and charged once told an acquaintance of his that he has "urges of rage" and that he admitted to previously killing a friend's dog. As it turns out, two of the dogs were given to him by a woman who could not care for them and others were allegedly obtained through Craig's List.

This beast is being charged with five counts of willful torture of an animal, meaning he could serve up to 35 years in prison. Additionally, we need to implore that Nevada implement an animal abuse and cruelty registry, similar to that of the sex offenders and pedophiles. Such a registry can ensure that something like this gruesome act will not reoccur. Anyone thereafter should be investigated before ever touching, caring for or adopting another animal.

A link of interest -

Please sign and share this petition in an effort to ask Nevada to implement an animal abuse and cruelty registry that should be required investigating any time an individual is working with, caring for and considering adopting an animal. Maybe if such a registry was in place, this beast would not have purchase sweet Chihuahua-mix dogs just for the purpose of harming and dismembering them. This is very disturbing and something must be done!!!



State of Nevada - The story of the man dismembering dogs he acquired in various ways is very disturbing and the horrific part is that this was not his first animal abuse situation. We are encouraging you to create and enforce animal abuse and cruelty registry very similar to sex offenders and pedophiles! We need to take necessary steps in putting an end to the abuse by highlighting past offenders and them on a nationwide registry. Laws should also require that any time someone works with, cares for or wants to adopt an animals should be thoroughly investigated, showcasing anyone on this or any other registry, saving future animal abuse and cruelty.

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