Time For Massachusetts To Ban Exotic Animals Acts!! Stop Circus Suffering!!

A bill has been introduced in the Massachusetts state senate to ban wild and exotic animal performances in circuses. This bill was introduced in 2017 but now it has stalled, we need to get this bill back on the senate agenda! Right now in the U.S. only five states including Illinois, New Jersey, Hawaii, New York, and California have bans on the use of exotic animals in the circus.

So why is this such a big deal?

Animals forced to perform in a circus are deprived of physical and social needs, confined in small spaces, spending excessive time shut in trailers and train cars. These animals often demonstrate heartbreaking abnormal behaviors such as rocking, swaying, and pacing - indicating they are in distress and not coping with their abusive environment. Evidence from numerous animal-rights groups shows these animals are forced to perform tricks through physical violence, fear, and intimidation.

That is NOT OK! And we need to keep fighting for these animals and their freedom from the circus life! Please join me in signing this petition asking Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker to stop circus suffering!

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