Stop the fur farms and the killing of animals in Denmark.

  • av: Pat Losch
  • mottagare: Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark

Stop the fur farms and the killing of animals in Denmark. Some Danes have no respect for animals and are currently guilty of mass murder. They have to pay for that. Close all fur farms and make sure that no new animals have to go into these deadly prisons. And if the Danes should think about doing such harm to the animals then they are fully responsible for the mass murder of animals and people. And for that they have to go to jail. As you read this, millions of animals die. And why. Because some Danes believe they are worth more. NO, you do not. You are animal killers. a species that is unfortunately very common in the country. Denmark allows the rape of dogs which says a lot about the country. They kill healthy animals in zoos. They judge the life and killing of innocent animals out of sheer greed for profit. Kill dogs because they consider them dangerous. Regardless of the owners who mourn their animals. They kill whales. The suffering that this country causes is indescribable and will never end. So we, who love and protect animals, judge them from now on. Stop the Danes from killing animals. Because there is no reason to do so. At the moment the most dangerous and repulsive animal is the Dane himself. Boycott the country and show the country your contempt. This message is addressed to the Danes who love animals. Don't just watch and remain silent. Do something. Please sign my petition and help save animals.

Uppdatera #14 år sedan
Please help me get more signatures I will not be able to achieve this alone. I need your help. Thank you
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