Animal Abusers should be treated the same as Child Abusers

  • av: Carla Peele
  • mottagare: State and National Legislature

Pedophiles have to have a sign in their yard and warn neighbors they are moving in, plus it's a flag on personal records so they can't get further access to children. Animal abusers should have to do the exact same! This is the punishment we should fight for when people abuse helpless animals. 

They should be denied any future access to animals of any sort, be it through personal ownership or some sort of work. People should be aware what kind of monsters they are, and they should not have the opportunity to do more harm to those who cannot fight back. 

Pedophiles have to have a sign in their yard and warn neighbors they are moving in, plus it's a flag on personal records so they can't get further access to children. Animal abusers should have to do the exact same! This is the punishment we should fight for when people abuse helpless animals. 

They should be denied any future access to animals of any sort, be it through personal ownership or some sort of work. People should be aware what kind of monsters they are, and they should not have the opportunity to do more harm to those who cannot fight back. 

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