Protect the Boundary Waters! Stop Trump from Mining Minnesota's Superior National Forest

  • mottagare: USDA Forest Service, Vicki Christiansen, Interim Chief; Secretary of the Interior, Ryan Zinke
Trump wants to allow mining in the Superior National Forest in northern Minnesota. This decision would overturn President Obama's efforts to protect 234,000 acres of this pristine forest area in far north Minnesota. President Obama put a minining moratorium in place while an environmental study was conducted to ensure the amazing and important Boundary Waters source area was completely protected.

Trump cancelled the study and wants to shove through mining, despite the consequences.

Twin Metals LLC has plans to mine the area for nickel, copper and other minerals, and was very pleased with the reversal.

Take action today and tell Trump's Forest Service we should be managing Superior National Forest as a critical watershed, not a wastesite for destructive mining.

Uppdatera #15 år sedan
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