Justice for Rape Victims in memory of Kathy "Elaine" Hunt

  • av: Maria
  • mottagare: Pierce County Court, Judge Whitener, Aliscia Cline,



Cold case DNA leads to arrest of Rapist Ronald Burke after victim passes away. We demand a Life A Sentence as recommended by the state of Washington. Ronald Burke will be convicted Feb. 17th , 2017 in Pierce County Court.

As Elaine can not physically be here herself due to her death on Easter sunday April 24th 2011, Elaine is here in Spirit. Witnessing her Rape Case in Prayer , because we are Here in prayer for Elaine.

We write in concerns with regards to the sentencing and conviction of Ronald Burke for the charges of Rape. We recommend and ask in Prayers that the courts Honor the maximum sentence of Life in Prison as suggested by the Prosecutor. We ask you, as the Judge presiding over this Rape Case to use your oath to protect all women from being raped by Ronald Burke to the full extent of the law. It would be a disservice to any woman if Ronald Burke ,a known brutal rapist, is sentenced to anything less than the court recommendation of a Life Sentence.

Elaine walked for in Pain, Shame, Embarrassment, Scared , Cold, With Feelings after being raped...... But Elaine also walked in Prayers thru her Ancestors, her Traditions , with All women in thought , to Tacoma General Hospital to be examined for 15 hours. That's how brutal this rape was. That's how Strong Elaine is...she walked it... to protect other women, to protect you, to protect your daughters. This should be Honored.

Elaine is a Mother of 5 children , a Grandmother, a sister to 9 siblings, an aunt, a cousin, she is "Takoda" which means a Friend to All, she is someones daughter, she is the Great Granddaughter of Chief Jake Hunt.

Elaine is a Yakama, Dakotah, Chippewa, Umatilla and Klikitat Native american woman. In our culture, we live by our Ancestors and remember their sufferings. Just because Elaine has passed, she still lives thru family and friends, therefor we all suffer in her memory of her being labeled as a homeless alcoholic that was raped. We would like Elaine to be remembered in an Honorable way her children, friends and family can find peace in this tragedy.We would like to see the system respect and honor women.

This could be a message to the world to convict Ronald Burke to the recommended sentence of LIFE in Prison. This is a message to the Survivors, the Women, The Mothers, The sisters, The aunties,The daughters, The Neices, The cousins, The Gramma, The great Gramma.....that we will not let any women walk in Pain, Shame, Embarrassment, Scared , Cold, With Feelings like Elaine did .

This...this is what we recommend...We recommend in Prayers that this court Change the Hope For Women, Help change the System, Help Protect these women. Do not make these Women "the Next Survivors"

Women are the Sacred WALKERS OF THIS WORLD! Please Protect the next Woman in Honor of Kathy Elaine Hunt.

We demand Life in Prison for the conviction of Ronald Burke on Behalf of Kathy Elaine Hunt and All women!! The same sentence Ronald Burke gave his victem's, a life sentence of pain and emotional trauma.

support letters to recomend LIFE SENTENCE of rapist Ronald Burke may be mailed to:

Alicia Cline

930 Tacoma Ave. So

Tacoma, Washington


phone number 253 798 6718

Thank you...

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