We Must Stop the Mowing of Milkweed During Peak Monarch Breeding Season Along Iowa I380.

  • av: Diane Klekotka
  • mottagare: IOWA DOT -- Iowa DOT Director Paul Trombino III Phone: 515-239-1111

Please join me in asking the Iowa DOT to stop mowing down precious Monarch breeding grounds. The timing of the mowing coincides with PEAK monarch breeding season in Iowa and robs us of the generation of monarchs that would have become part of those migrating to Mexico to overwinter- the most important generation of Monarchs that perpetuates the species into the next year. Milkweed is the flower and sole host for Monarch caterpillars. Most does not exceed 18 inches in height and in no way compromises driver safety.
Eastern Iowa I380 runs approximately a full 80 miles east of Iowa's I35 and the proposed Pollinator Corridor. Monarchs can locate milkweed over a mile away not 80. The Monarch has been submitted as a candidate to be listed as “threatened” under the Endangered Species Act as of last August. This beautiful icon of Americana needs only that we leave it alone along this highway for us to help it..
I spoke to a Joy Williams also of Iowa's DOT at 515-233-7729. She found me amusing. She said I could call the Iowa Legislators and not vote for them if I wasn't happy with their response. I am an American. I am not an Iowan American. I had told her that.
Thus I need your help. The Monarch Butterfly needs your help. All we are asking is that they do not mow mile after mile of lush stands of milkweed along Interstate 380 when Monarchs are at the peak of their breeding season. Please sign.

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