Save the Iowa Cat Colony from Death at the hands of the Mason City, Iowa Police Dept.

The Mason City Iowa Police used these innocent animals as pawns twice in 18 months to forcibly remove me from the city limits, a racist hate filled organisation that hates anyone with fully Spanish names, retaliation for complaining about their conduct. Lying to all of you is not in me, it takes too long to descibe here what happened. I am a US citizen, 7th generation. I was forced twice to write Notice to Vacate after 3 illegal, warrantless, no Notice of Entry searches in violation of my Constitutional and Civil rights. I have written the US Attorney, Iowa State Attorney General and now the FBI but little has been done the police simply lied to them and being poor is not an advantage in the believability department despite my flawless documentation. They have 7 days to find temporary shelter, that's all we need while my FHA and USDA loans are processed. My ignorance is part of this yes my friends but no one deserves to be treated the way I was. They will murder all of them, the local shelter will not accept them and I have contacted every cat rescue agency in Iowa long ago starting in 2013 no one would help. I love all of you for trying to help us, please call or write a message to Iowa Governor Branstad and save these beautiful animals from certain Death. I will do the same for all of your petitions we are the Greatest Family on Earth.

Dear Governor Branstad please offer this innocent Cat Colony used as pawns by the wicked, immoral Mason City Police Dept to phsyically remove me from the city limits a temporary refuge until positive change can be brought to our lives. All we ask is the most basic out of the way area to pitch a tent or build several temporary shelters please Governor Branstad step in and save this beautiful Cat Colony from certin Death.

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