Make animal abuse laws more strict & enforce!!

  • av: Aimee Osmulski
  • mottagare: Governors of: Hawaii, Idaho, Kentucky, Mississippi, & N. Dakota

The Animal Legal Defense Fund released its fourth annual report about animal abuse.  The report ranks the strength of animal protection laws in every state and U.S. territory. 

This year the five states with the least amount of protection for animals are: Hawaii, Idaho, Kentucky, Mississippi, and North Dakota.   Kentucky ranked as the number one worst state in the nation - where animal abusers received the lightest convictions.

The top five states with the most stringent sentencing for abusers and the toughest laws to protect animals were: Illinois, Maine, Michigan, Oregon and California. 

Stephen Otto, Animal Legal Defense Fund director of legislative affairs, was pleased with the progress that a number of states have made in 2009. %u201CMany states and territories are continuing to make substantial progress with their animal protection laws.  Arkansas, for example, was one of the worst five states last year, but jumped up to 25th overall in the country this year, due to a host of statutory improvements,%u201D Otto said.
Let's make them step up 2 the plate & make these changes & enforce them strictly!! We are their voice!!

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