Pets are Family Members. It Is Time the UK Parliament Officially Recognized That.

Anyone who has ever had a pet in their home knows that they are not simply an object or property, but a living, breathing, sentient part of the family. Dogs, cats, and other furry friends have vibrant personalities, preferences, moods, and tastes. They can develop intimate relationships with humans and other animals. Yet despite these realities, in most countries, a pet's legal status is no different than a couch or lamp. In the United Kingdom, in fact, pets are legally still reduced to property, and this needs to change!

Sign now to demand the United Kingdom officially pass a law to make pets officially sentient beings and family members!

Spain recently redefined their custody and divorce laws to treat animals more like children and less like property, which is vital for the well-being of all humans and non-humans involved. The main purpose of this law is to ensure that courts have to consider the well-being of the pet when they are determining custody arrangements. And if you've ever gone through a split and lost access to a beloved animal, you know how tragic it can be. Pets are living beings with which you have a relationship and it's not helpful to deprive one partner access to that, especially during the trying time of a divorce. 

To make matters worse, when pets are seen as simple, non-sentient property items, custody is usually granted to the person who "purchased" the animal -- even though that person could be negligent, cruel, or even violent. This is why Spain's recent law is so transformative in protecting animals, and the United Kingdom must follow suit!

The UK passed the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Act earlier this year, meaning the country is already on the right track. Now it is time Parliament follow Spain's lead and recognize pets as family members, not property. It is time pets be treated fully as sentient living things with their well-being prioritized. Sign the petition now if you agree!
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