Brutality Beyond Belief! Don't let Wayne Worboys walk away with a 'slap on the wrist'!

  • av: Lee Gaskin
  • mottagare: Alison Saunders - the Director of Public Prosecutions in the United Kingdom

Sixteen-year old WAYNE WORBOYS gave his mother's helpless white Staffie 'TYLER' an horrific beating. Sweet Tyler was punched, choked, kicked and stamped upon without mercy. And whilst this horrific incident was taking place, Worboys (or an accomplice) filmed the entire event. It only came to light because the police - who were visiting the house on an unrelated matter - found the footage on his mobile. This crime took place in September 2013.

A further clip was also discovered on the mobile and this one showed Worboys viciously using a small tortoiseshell cat as a football. That attack apparently took place in April 2013 and had been filed under the name of "LOL"! (Laugh out Loud) The tortoiseshell cat was never found - despite an extensive search by the authorities. Nobody knows his/her final fate.

WORBOYS, of Farley Hill Estate, Luton, Bedfordshire, UK, admitted two charges of causing unnecessary suffering but was only given an 18-month youth rehabilitation order! He was also banned from keeping animals for life. Ludicrously, Tyler was allowed to remain in the care of Mrs Worboys (Wayne's mother) in spite of the fact that this means Tyler will now be in constant danger of further attacks by her son!

The purpose of this petition is to appeal against Wayne Worboys' lenient sentence. Both animals and vulnerable people who cross his path are in danger. Unless his crimes are adequately addressed he will not only continue to perpetrate these mindless, unprovoked attacks, but the violence is likely to escalate over time. (There are already reports that he has attacked several elderly people in his area, as well as savagely beaten up his very young, and pregnant, girlfriend!)

A video has been attached to this petition - It is extremely shocking and some viewers may find it disturbing. However, it's being posted in order to highlight the extent of Wayne Worboys' psychotic behaviour and the danger he poses to any vulnerable creature or person with whom he comes in contact.

Please help us to get justice for Tyler and a proper sentence for her barbaric attacker!

Thank you...


Dear Supporters,

This is to say a big thank you to everybody who has signed Tyler's petition. We are extremely grateful for your kind support. The petition will be closed on the Jun 16 and forwarded (together with an appeal against Worboys' lenient sentence) to the Director of Public Prosecutions in London. Just to recap, a video highlighting this gross act of cruelty, can be viewed here: Thank you.

Best wishes,

Lee Gaskin

Uppdatera #110 år sedan
Dear Supporters,

This is to say a big thank you to everybody who has signed Tyler's petition. We are extremely grateful for your kind support. The petition will be closed on the Jun 16 and forwarded (together with an appeal against Worboys' lenient sentence) to the Director of Public Prosecutions in London. Just to recap, a video highlighting this gross act of cruelty, can be viewed here: Thank you.

Best wishes,

Lee Gaskin
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