Stop Killing Innocent Dogs In Kuwait

  • av: Anonymous
  • mottagare: Government of Kuwait

A heartless shooter has been on a rampage for some time and has killed more than 30 innocent dogs in Kuwait. The killing spree is happening again!!

It is horrifying to hear that such crimes are occuring and continue to occur in Kuwait. The Quran strongly encourges people to treat animals humanely. Islamic law requires people to treat animals with kindness and compassion.

We must bring the animal abusers to justice and ensure that this inhumanity is NEVER repeated. Sign this petition urgining Kuwaiti authorities to hunt down the guilty parties and create proper legislation that will protect animals. Don't let these dogs die in vain! Let's bring change to Kuwait.

I am writing to ask you and the Kuwaiti government to enforce harsh penalties for animal abusers. This issue is not only a serious problem here in the Kuwait, but all around the world. To our knowledge there is currently no animal rights laws implemented in Kuwait. Islamic law asks for treatment of animals with kindness and compassion. Animal abuse should be a punishable crime in Kuwait. Animal cruelty crimes such as dog fighting occurs in Kuwait. Furthermore, animals are sold in inhumane conditions daily at the Friday market. It has been brought to our attention that in recent events in Kuwait, a shooter has been on a senseless killing spree in Kuwait, shooting more than 30 innocent dogs!

This needs to be stopped. Animals are living beings with feelings just like us and are vulnerable to inhumane treatment from humans. They are victimized at deeper levels, given the lack of animal cruelty. Dogs are a man's best friend and do so much for us all in helping us in crisis, and providing unconditional love, and also are used by the police in helping solve crimes in criminal cases. Animals also help find missing and deceased people, help detect illegal drugs, bombs, and even diseases, and also have the abilities in helping people out from danger! Animals are also used in helping people with disabilities. Animals deserve human treatments. It is time for Kuwait to step up and put a stop to the horrific animal crimes.

Let us make a difference in Kuwait by having animal cruelty laws implemented and acted upon. Please take a stand, and show the whole world that animal cruelty will not be tolerated in the Kuwait.

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