The U.S. Needs to Finally Ban Single-Use Plastics

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Environmental Protection Agency

Environmentalists just won a huge victory in England, where the British Government just announced an official ban on many single-use plastics! The ban includes plastic plates and cutlery, as well as trays, bowls, balloon sticks and some polystyrene cups and food containers. This is amazing news for people and the planet – and the U.S. EPA should take note!

Sign now to tell the United States Environmental Protection Agency that it is time to finally ban the majority of single-use plastics!

Ironically, the EPA has an entire website dedicated to teaching consumers how to reduce their plastic waste on a personal level. This is despite the fact that many cheaper, more accessible products are wrapped in unnecessary plastic, and for the average American living paycheck to paycheck, affordable goods are often a priority. 

Meanwhile, it is perfectly legal for giant corporations to mass produce single-use plastics daily. Corporations produce over 300 million tons of plastic every year around the world – and a U.S. ban would help significantly reduce that giant number. 

It is time for the EPA to step up and take action by following in England's footsteps. Sign the petition now to tell the EPA to step up and finally enact a single-use plastic ban!

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