Animal Cruelty: The crime of inflicting physical pain, suffering or death on an animal, usually a tame one, beyond necessity for normal discipline.
When an animal is chosen to be tested on for products, they are commonly forced to eat, forced to inhale certain chemicals, deprived of food or water, are subjected to long periods of physical restraint, burned or purposely hurt to study the healing process, and put through other extremely traumatic situations. These conditions definitely go under the animal cruelty definition, yet, it's still going on everywhere around us whether we realize it or not. As citizens of the Unites states, it is our duty to pay attention to what is going on around us. Many huge organizations such as PETA and CAAT have tried to end the terrible treatment of lab animals for decades, and still no change. Cosmetic companies have been torturing millions of animals to produce products that we use every day. They have been sacrificing the lives of countless innocent animals for our own personal gain, and it needs to stop now.
This petition is a request for Congress to create laws that make it illegal to harm an animal in any way for the purpose of selling products. Innocent animals are being harmed so companies can test everyday products on them and in most cases, the animals either die or end up severely hurt. There needs to be a stop to this horrible industry and there needs to be legal measures that help get rid of these torturous acts. There needs to be a change and together, we can make a difference in the lives of millions of animals.

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