Stop the Glenning Valley Development on the Central Coast of NSW

  • av: Helen Coy
  • mottagare: Mr Ian Reynolds, Central Coast Council

Glenning Valley is a suburb on the NSW Central Coast. In 2013, Wyong Shire Council re-zoned environmentally sensitive land to allow for housing development. The owners of that land currently have a development application before Council (DA/1438/2015) to allow a new housing estate to be built there.
Native bushland will be demolished taking with it the habitats of several endangered species including:- Swift Parrot, Bentwing Bat, Powerful Owl, White Bellied Sea Eagle, Yellow Bellied Glider.
In addition to the removal of native habitat we believe the development will place additional pressure on existing infrastructure that is currently bursting at the seams, such as:- Hospitals and emergency services, Local road networks especially Wyong Road, Berkeley Road, Enterprise Drive and the M1 Motorway, Public transport and associated facilities such as car parks, Child Care centres and schools, Doctors and essential community services
By signing this petition you are asking Central Coast Council to say no to the development application, saving native animal habitats and putting a stop to the continued pressure on our already stretched infrastructure and services.
Thank you for your support!

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