Scanning for microchips should be mandatory for any state funded animal facility.

  • av: clint ponderosa
  • mottagare: Mayor Of Salem, Justin Green, Salem Animal Rescue, Donald Trump,

Jesslyn Edwards reported her dog missing. She later found out it had been destroyed by Salem Animal Shelter Indiana. She was casually spoken to about their inability to scan for microchips and the mayor of Salem who wasn't helpful and offhand in his reply by voicemail. Below is Jesslyn's story.

''With a heavy heart, I just wanted to inform everyone of a sad state of affairs that is out there taking place. I reported my baby missing through his AKC Reunite microchip recently. Through word of mouth, I found out he had been turned into the Salem Animal Shelter, in Salem, IN. The shelter admitted to me that they neglected to scan him for a microchip and they euthanized him 2 days after he arrived.

I am crushed. He wasn't even 3 years old. The shelter employee went the extra mile to tell me it took 3 people to hold my baby down on a table to put him down. I am so upset they did not scan for a chip. It's a small town. I called their mayor because I had questions about their policies. Their mayor left me a voicemail that said, "it's unfortunate you felt you had some kind of connection to the animal, but we feel as though we did everything correct and at this time we are moving forward." The lack of compassion made the voicemail almost unbearable to listen to.

My thoughts here being, if we are being cited for not having a microchip in our pets, why is ok for this shelter not to even scan for a chip? I'm sure my poor baby was the first of many for this to happen to and my heart just aches for any animal who went through these facilities doors''.

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