Stop the Legalization of Cruel Chicken Handling Practices in the UK

The UK government is proposing a shocking step backwards in animal welfare by legalizing the harmful practice of carrying chickens by their legs. This method was previously deemed illegal under both UK and EU regulations due to the distress and injuries it causes to the animals. 

Sign the petition to demand the Labour Party reconsider this decision that goes against its promises of improving animal welfare!

Despite the known dangers of leg-catching, which can lead to fractures and dislocations, this move would dilute existing animal welfare standards to favor outdated and cruel practices over the well-being of animals.

This decision not only endangers millions of chickens but also betrays the trust of British citizens who expect and demand high welfare standards for animals. It's time for the Labour Party to listen to the experts and the public by maintaining the ban on leg-catching and ensuring all handling of chickens is done in a way that minimizes harm and stress.

Sign the petition to urge the Labour Party to work with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to enforce strict regulations that protect these animals from unnecessary suffering.

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