Join us to stop the underfunding of our nurseries.

Nurseries are closing because of the underfunding of the "free" nursery hours; we can’t allow this to happen and have the future of our children put at risk.
In the UK, it is Government policy that children aged 3 and 4 receive free childcare (570 hours per year per child). The Government gives grants to approved childcare providers. However, these grants do not cover the costs of the "free" childcare - and this is putting services at risk.
Childcare providers across the UK have been left in an unsustainable position, as recent rates for 3 and 4 year old funding (grants) were announced just days before the new financial year. In the majority of cases, the rates announced (which already did not cover the cost of funded places) have not been increased, and in some cases have even decreased, leaving nurseries struggling to provide quality childcare for children.
We need your help to have our voice heard; join us at Tops Day Nurseries in our petition to ask the Government to pass more funding to the local authorities, who can in turn increase the amount of funding nurseries receive for their "free" childcare places. 
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