NSW: Ban Greyhound Racing For Good

Earlier this year a disturbing investigation into the world of greyhound racing in Australia uncovered shocking brutality and the illegal use of live animals as bait to train greyhounds.

Now lawmakers in New South Wales are stepping up with the Greyhound Racing Prohibition Bill 2015 to shut this industry down over concerns that no amount of regulations will ever make it humane, and that it clearly can't be left to self-regulate.

The bill will ban greyhound racing in NSW by January 2016, dissolve its regulatory body and give its assets to the Minister for Racing for the purpose of rehabilitating and rehoming affected dogs, in addition to helping transition current employees to new jobs.

It will also ban exporting greyhounds from NSW, with exceptions for dogs who are going to be companion animals. Not only would this protect greyhounds from being exploited, but would send a strong message that it's time for the last few places with commercial tracks to act to shut them down.

Please sign this petition urging Australian lawmakers to finalize a ban on greyhound racing in NSW.

As someone who is concerned with animal welfare, I'm writing to ask you to support recently introduced legislation that will ban greyhound racing in New South Wales.

This industry has continued to prove that it can't operate in a humane manner, despite the current regulations in place. Issues concerning serious cruelty were again brought to light earlier this year, when animal advocates exposed the shocking, and illegal, use of live animals being used to train greyhounds. That was followed by the discovery of a mass grave in April containing the bodies of 55 greyhounds whose lives were needlessly wasted.

The Greyhound Racing Prohibition Bill 2015 will ensure no more animals suffer at the hands of those who continue to try to make a profit by exploiting them. Now only will it save greyhounds from further abuse, and address the issue of "surplus" dogs the industry has no use for, but it will also ensure no dogs are exported to other areas for racing.

I sincerely hope you will be an advocate for these dogs by supporting this critical piece of legislation that will not only improve animal welfare, but send a strong message to other areas still operating commercial tracks that it's time to close them down.

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