Let's Make Ward 9 Whole Again

  • av: Donald Harvey
  • mottagare: The New Haven Board of Alders and The BOA Redistricting Committee

For years, East Rock’s lower neighborhood has been split into two wards, with some of its residents living in Ward 9 and others in Ward 8.  This has resulted in uneven aldermanic representation and unequal access to City services.  Now, the Redistricting Committee of the BOA has a chance to fix this terrible mistake.

The Committee could adopt new ward boundaries like those shown in their "Ward X Map" that would make Ward 9 a compact shape with Avon on the north, Whitney on the west, and I-91 on the east and south.

But the matter isn’t settled and the Committee is also considering at least two other plans, neither of which would be good.

In fact, one of those plans cuts entire blocks of eight streets – EDWARDS, BISHOP, HUMPHREY, CLARK, PEARL, ELD, BRADLEY, and LINCOLN – out of the neighborhood!

We believe that redistricting should build – not destroy – neighborhoods and, by signing below, we're urging the Committee to adopt boundaries that will make Ward 9 whole again.

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