Demand the NFL ban serial sexual predator Deshaun Watson!

  • av: OD Action
  • mottagare: Commissioner Roger Goodell

On August 1st, an independent disciplinary officer passed down a six-game suspension for Cleveland Browns quarterback Deshaun Watson, who stands accused of sexual assault and harassment by 30 — yes, thirty! — women who he hired for massage therapy.

The punishment pales in comparison to the season-long suspensions recently handed out to Calvin Ridley (gambling) and Josh Gordon (weed); Judge Robinson's decision is even more inexplicable since she found Watson guilty of sexual assault and posing a danger to the safety of others.

Demand Commissioner Goodell suspend Watson indefinitely!

Under the collective bargaining agreement, Commissioner Roger Goodell still has the power to increase Watson's suspension and is expected to. But if he wants to prove to the nation that the NFL takes sexual assault seriously — which it has certainly not in the past — he'll hand down an indefinite suspension and not let Watson be rewarded for his crimes by becoming the highest-paid player in the league.

Thirty women were abused and threatened and humiliated by this man for his own perverse pleasure. He has no business being on a football field — and certainly no business being paid $230 million dollars to do it.

Demand Commissioner Roger Goodell suspend alleged serial sexual predator Deshaun Watson for good!

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