Mississippi - Protect Animals Through Strict & Enforced Animal Cruelty Registry

  • av: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: Mississippi State Legislators

Mississippi is continually battling issues of animal abuse, cruelty and neglect, working closely with law enforcement agencies.  The penalties throughout the state are very lax as stated in http://www.msnewsnow.com/story/24832104/harsher-animal-cruelty-laws. Also read more on animal laws at http://asci.uvm.edu/equine/law/cruelty/ms_cruel.htm

In order to stop the abuse that is very common in this state, it would be crucial to implement and strictly enforce an animal cruelty registry database, one that is similar in stature to that of a sex offender or child abuser. Animal neglect, puppy mills, dog fighting, torture and hoarding cases are all too frequent issues statewide.  Animals need to be protected and a database of convicted animal abusers is a vital tool in doing just that.

My effort in this petition is to encourage Mississippi State Legislators to implement and strictly enforce an animal cruelty registry.  Any person that is found guilty of any type of animal abuse, cruelty and neglect needs to be placed on this database, which is required to be updated on a regular basis.  Additionally, these abusers need to be banned from future pet ownership or ever working with or caring for them for a lifetime.  The database should then be shared with all breeders, shelters, pet shops and others in the pet industry as a mandatory resource. You can help me by taking action through this petition, adding your own thoughts and comments.

Mississippi State Legislators – I strongly urge you to implement and strictly enforce an animal cruelty registry.  Any person that is found guilty of any type of animal abuse, cruelty and neglect needs to be placed on this database, which is required to be updated on a regular basis.  Additionally, these abusers need to be banned from future pet ownership or ever working with or caring for them for a lifetime.  The database should then be shared with all breeders, shelters, pet shops and others in the pet industry as a mandatory resource. Be a voice for these defenseless animals and take a stand to protect them. 

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