Remove Meerkats as display items in Pets stores

Meerkats are highly social animals and live in large communities where there are many families all living together. They can live in groups of up to 30. They are native to Africa and tropical environments. If you believe that Meerkats should not be used as display items in a Pet store's to attract customers, and you believe that living in groups of 2 and 3 is cruel please sign this petition and share it. It is very upsetting to walk into a Pet store and see animals living like that. Thank you

Dear Petworld

I am writing to ask you to remove the Meerkats from your stores in Ireland.

Please stop using them in your stores to attract customers. Meerkats are highly social animals and are native to tropical environments. They are also use to living in large numbers so to have them in groups of 2 and 3 is just cruel.

As an animal lover and advocate for the rights of animals I ask you to consider my request and do what is right for the Meerkats.


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