Save our Lady of Peace School

  • av: Save OLP committee
  • mottagare: YCDSB, Steven Del Duca, Marilyn Iafrate, Teresa Ciaravella, Mitzie Hunter

We need to come together as a community to voice our concern regarding the current proposal to close Our Lady of Peace Catholic School. 

This decision will not only effect the current student population but also the growing population of young families in our community. 

It's unprecedented and unheard of to close a school that is at 96% capacity.  We cannot accept this one decision as the final decision.

To The York Catholic District School Board of Trustees and Provincial Government     

Do Not Close Our Lady of Peace Catholic Elementary School

Introduce additional options or proposals for all Maple Catholic Elementary Schools
Take current and ONLY recommendation given by YCDSB administration staff off the table IMMEDIATELY

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