Help Preserve The Lives Of These Majestic Whales Before It Is Too Late

  • av: Lauren Spivack
  • mottagare: International Whaling Commission; Japanese Government

In June of 2015, Japan stated that it has plans to begin whale hunting in the winter months of this year. Despite the Interntional Whaling Commission (IWC) banning commercial whaling in 1986, Japan has continued to hunt whales under the pretense of "research."

In 2014, the International Court of Justice ruled that the whale hunts were not scientific in nature. What's more, the International Whaling Commission stated that, "Tokyo has not proven the mammals need to be killed for research."

Nevertheless, Japan plans to catch a total of 333 Minke whales each year, beginning from the winter months of 2015 and ending in the winter months of 2027. Please sign this petition demanding a stop to the Japanese whale hunt for good!

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