A Planned Demolition in Minneapolis Could Expose 70,000 Residents to Cancerous Pollutants

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey

The city of Minneapolis intends to demolish a building known as the "Roof Depot" within the coming days. The problem is that this building sits on a former superfund site: in other words, an extremely toxic and polluted plot of land. The Roof Depot currently suppresses an arsenic plume from a pesticide factory that operated on the property in the mid-1900s. If the building is demolished, the arsenic will end up in the air, and tens of thousands of residents will literally be poisoned. 

To make matters worse, the Roof Depot is in the heart of East Phillips, one of the most diverse neighborhoods in Minneapolis. In other words, the city of Minneapolis is intending to expose thousands of predominantly Black, Brown, and Indigenous residents to horrifying levels of toxic exposure. East Phillips already has poor air quality and disproportionately high asthma rates. Knowingly destroying the Roof Depot would quite literally create a public health crisis.

Sign now to tell Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey to listen to Indigenous residents and protect the city's air quality from deadly arsenic pollution!

Brave community members have already begun occupying the site to prevent the toxic demolition. They have offered a beautiful vision of an alternative: turning the existing building into a vibrant community center complete with an urban farm to feed local residents. We must listen to and support them by fighting against this clear case of environmental injustice!

Sign the petition to tell Jacob Frey: stop the poisoning of East Phillips! Protect the Roof Depot!

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