Stop the Illegal Trading of Endangered Species in India!

  • av: Lynn Hamilton
  • mottagare: India's Ministry of Environment and Forests

Murdered jungle cats, monitor lizards, purple moorhens, and open-billed storks are among the many endangered species being openly sold for food at a market place in Puducherry, India. These birds and mammals, specifically protected under Indian wildlife laws, are being poached out of the nearby Oussudu wildlife sanctuary.

The local forestry department has traced the poaching to a single group. It appears the poachers are slaughtering animals wholesale with an illegal chemical called endosulfan.

Forest management has refused to take any action, claiming they are helpless to stop this illegal trade. Tell India's Ministry of Environment and Forests to crack down on the sale of endosulfan, prosecute poachers, and put an end to this abonimable trade!

We the undersigned urge you to take immediate action against the illegal poisoning, poaching, and sale of birds and mammals that are listed as endangered under India's own laws! The market in Puducherry is brazenly selling--as meat--animals that are threatened with extinction if this practice continues. We do not believe that local Indian authorities are helpless. You should fight this trade on multiple fronts. Track the trade in endosulfan, assign more forest monitors to the Oussudu wildlife sanctuary, and prosecute poachers!

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