According to the Humane Society, the cosmetics testing industry causes the suffering and deaths of more than 500,000 innocent animals each year. 250 companies, like Lush Cosmetics and The Body Shop, have endorsed the Humane Cosmetics Act, which would end unnecessary animal testing in the U.S. Although beauty brand and retailer Sephora does sell a number of cruelty-free products, it still carries an enormous amount of animal-tested products.
Sephora is one of the most popular cosmetic retailers in the U.S and globally. Beauty marketing director Deven Hopp states that Sephora carries over 250 beauty brands and generates over $4 billion a year. If Sephora would stop selling animal-tested products then this would force beauty brands, carried currently in Sephora, to make the transition into cruelty-free practices. Some of the brands that would need to transition include; Benefit, Make Up For Ever, Estee Lauder, Lancome, and Tom Ford.
According to animal rights organization PETA, "Animal tests include forcing mice and rats to inhale toxic fumes, force-feeding dogs pesticides, and dripping corrosive chemicals into rabbits' sensitive eyes." The conditions in which these animals are kept are terrifying and often lead to neurotic behavior such as running around in circles, rocking back and forth, pulling out their own fur, and biting themselves (PETA).
Animal testing is not the best way to predict toxicity in humans since it only predicts correctly 65% of the time. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine issued a Roadmap for replacing animal testing which states, "Newer safety testing methods focus on human physiology. Human cells, placed in tiny chips and exposed to chemicals of various kinds, can tell us much more about human reactions than rodent testscan, and other new methods have shown similar power. Predicting toxic reactions is never an easy task,but working with human cells and tissues is far preferable than animal tests." This shows that there are many other methods of testing cosmetics that have higher success rates and can be done without harming innocent beings.
Making Sephora a cruelty-free company would only attract more customers, especially vegetarians and vegans. Journalist for The Economist, John Parker says is his article The Year of The Vegan, "Interest in a way of life in which people eschew not just meat and leather, but all animal products including eggs, wool and silk, is soaring, especially among millennials. Fully a quarter of 25- to 34-year-old Americans say they are vegans or vegetarians." Since the majority of Sephora's clientele are millennials this could be a big step to bring in even more revenue while putting an end to animal-testing in some of the most popular cosmetic brands.
Please sign and share this petition to urge Sephora to stop selling products tested on animals to help the fight against animal testing and influence other big-name brands to do the same.
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