Stop the Florida Bill that Legalizes KIDNAPPING trans kids!

  • av: OD Action
  • mottagare: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

Legalized kidnapping. That's what the Republican party of "family values" has in store for the trans children of Florida, whose legislature just passed a bill that would legalize the kidnapping of trans kids if they receive gender-affirming healthcare. 
Not only would it legalize absconding with the child, but it also grants Florida courts emergency jurisdiction over those children and would allow courts to ignore all other court orders and custody determinations. 
Tell Florida to stop the madness and leave trans kids alone! 
The hysterical right-wing crusade against trans-Americans is reaching a fever pitch, and the legislation they are introducing reflects just how deranged they've become. 
All the weeping and moaning about the welfare of unborn children is exposed as nothing but cynical hypocrisy by the naked malice and hatred they show towards trans and LGBTQ+ children, and this latest bill is a bridge too far. We cannot let this madness become law! 
Tell Governor Ron DeSantis to reject the bill legalizing the kidnapping of trans kids! 

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