Urge Rye City Council to keep Nursery Field natural grass

The Rye City Council is considering a plan to rip up Nursery Field (421 Milton Rd) and replace it with over 1000 cubic yards of infill to create a fenced-in, artificial turf field. Once this process is put in motion it is hard to stop. Now is a crucial time to have our voices heard.

Please sign this petition to object to the city laying down a plastic carpet in a wetland area, historic neighborhood, and a floodplain when other more environmental, holistic, and fiscally conscious options have yet to be thoroughly explored.

Rye residents, we have a chance to do our part to protect this precious green space and directly adjacent waterways. Sign this petition asking the city to halt the current Nursery Field Improvement Plan.  Join us in asking City of Rye to consider alternative, natural options to increasing play time on Nursery Field, other than risking filling the wetlands, Blind Brook, Rye City Boat Basin, and Milton Harbor with artificial and toxic materials called "forever chemicals".

Considerations: If this unique green space at 421 Milton Rd were to be destroyed it would have significant negative impact on the land, the water, and Rye as a whole.

1) Potential Increased Flooding
Nursery Field lies in a FEMA designated flood plain right next to Blind Brook (a tributary of Long Island Sound) and it is classified as an emerging wetland by the US Fish and Wildlife National Wetlands Inventory.

2) Negative Impact on Residential & Historic District
It is in the middle of a residential neighborhood and next to Westchester County's oldest home, the historic Knapp House (1670), as well as Milton Cemetery (1722). The artificial fill and grass blades of turf, contain toxic elements that many scientists and hospitals believe pose a health risk for long term exposure. Mount Sinai School of Medicine has sent a letter to the Rye City Council explaining those health risks.

3) Environmental & Fiscal Impact
Once destroyed, a natural green space is almost impossible to reclaim.
While a private group has pledged to pay for the initial construction expenses if the City chooses synthetic materials, the long term costs of this field, and it's replacement in 7-10 years, will fall to the tax payers, and the ultimate environmental impacts and health costs are incalculable.

Why is the City Council considering this plan? To have less rainouts.  This is not intended to increase the field play time any more than the currently scheduled hours. The good news is this objective can be achieved without artificial turf and has been done successfully at other fields across the country. An improved natural grass field, with better drainage, combined with a revitalization of the wetlands can decrease flooding, increase the hours of play, and keep Nursery Field as an open green space for all residents all year round.

Please sign this petition and urge your council members to consider an improved natural grass Nursery Field.

Uppdatera #24 år sedan
The city has decided to postpone the public comments on Nursery Field at tomorrow night's meeting, in light of COVID-19.  We will email everyone when the city adds Nursery to the agenda of a future meeting. Thx
Uppdatera #14 år sedan
Hello Friends of Nursery Field. City Council will be hearing from residents this Wednesday at 7:30 at City Hall. To date they have listened to a synthetic turf lobbyist, now they need to hear from you. This is the last chance for public comment before the council votes on whether to move forward with a plan to synthetically turf and destroy this open green space. Please come and urge the city to keep Nursery natural grass. City Hall, Wednesday, 7:30. Please forward to friends. Thx, FNF
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