Mandatory Liability Insurance for People Who Own Dangerous Dogs, PITBULL, ROTTWIELER, MISTIFF, etc

Imagine being attacked by a dangerous dog, surviving the attack , and not being able to seek any damages because the dog owner has no insurance, is unemployed or on SSD, and the property owner that allows them to live there has no liability. Not only can this injury max out your insurance but it can leave you with a ton of out of pocket expensives.


Dear Governor Perry,
The purpose of this petition is to enact new laws to protect the citizens of the
State of Texas from Dangerous Dogs, and Dangerous Breeds of Dogs by requiring special licensing, mandatory insurance,  chip implant, and muzzle restrictions while out in public.

On Veteran's day of 2012 my friend Lorrie Ruth George, age 60, was attacked and mauled by a PITBULL in PARK ON THE LAKE a "Dog Friendly" RV Park on the Lake in Willis Texas, and she almost lost her leg!

The women who owned the dog is on Social Security Disability and she has no insurance.The park where this attack happened, while it is insured, feels it has no liability even though they allowed her to reside there with her pit bull without any insurance.
 Ms. George's insurance paid for the medical bills occurring from this attack.

The emergency room costs were $10,000 alone. 
If Ms. George had no insurance who would have had to pay for her medical expenses, taxpayers.
How many people must become victims of these dangerous animals before the State of Texas takes any action?

While we can't prevent all dog attacks we can certainly require that the people who choose to own these vicious dogs to be financially responsible to the victims of these mauling's by requiring mandatory liability insurance on these animals.
For more information on dog attacks go


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