Hold Trump’s kids in contempt for defying subpoenas!

The New York Attorney General Letitia James' office confirmed the subpoenas of Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr., the disgraced ex-President's eldest children, in their investigation of the business practices of the family. For two years James has been exploring whether or not the family organization misled banks and tax officials in regard to their value of assets in order to manipulate loan terms and tax benefits. 

Ivanka and Donald Jr., in true Trump family fashion, are refusing to comply and attempting to delay the investigation by filing a motion to block the subpoenas. 

Add your name to demand Ivanka and Donald Jr. be held in contempt for defying subpoenas!

A statement from James' office stated that "despite their names, they must play by the same rules as everyone else" – and they're absolutely right. There should be no special treatment in our judicial system. Being that both Trump children were heavily involved in the family business, and would provide vital testimony in the investigation, their compliance with the investigation is absolutely necessary.

Lawyers of the Trump children are claiming that their testimony could be used against them in another case… which, more than anything, seems like a delay tactic indicative of the nature of their involvement.

Sign now to call for the eldest Trump children to be held in contempt!

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