It is important to sign to help protect the wolves of Yellowstone. A buffer zone would not allow hunters to lure wolves out of Yellowstone using calls over loud speakers of wolf pups in distress. When hunters use this tactic to lure wolves out. They are shot on site. Many are collared wolves and it happens mostly along the boundary Montana and Idaho shares with the park. The limit for wolf quota in Wyoming is low in the sections of their state that border the park. But they still use this tactic and it must end.
We demand that you , Sec.Jewel adhere to the demands of the signatures on this petition. We demand that you listen to the majority of the VOTING public and the potential TOURIST. We demand that you listen to the good Congressman from Oregon Rep.Pete Defazio and sit down and talk to make HIS and OUR demands a reality and to stop caving to a select few special interest groups.
Uppdatera #310 år sedan
Wolves follow migrating Elk out of Yellowstone on occasion and are immediately shot once in the sights of hunters. If they can't kill them by these means ,outfitters , who make BIG money from out of state hunters are allowed by the state of Montana to set bait sites right outside of the park to attract Yellowstone wolves so these TROPHY hunters can kill them.
Uppdatera #210 år sedan
We must get this for the wolves of Yellowstone to make sure they have a permanent sanctuary they can call home. The Northern sections of Yellowstone are home to most of the wolves. For sure it is home to some of the largest packs in Yellowstone. And the northern sections are along the Idaho and Montana borders.
Uppdatera #110 år sedan
Research tells me that a wolf can hear other wolves from a distance of up to 6 to ten miles away.
So I changed the No Hunting Buffer Zone Around All of Yellowstone to 20 miles.