Demand that North Whitehall Twp PA commissioners allow Foxy's Cradle neonatal kitten rescue to continue operating to save kittens lives!

North Whitehall Township PA is shutting down Foxy's Cradle, a neonatal kitten rescue that saves orphaned and medically at-risk kittens. They accept kittens from multiple areas and multiple states including Philadelphia ACCT. They have 35 volunteers and without them, these kittens would not survive! They were able to save and find loving homes for 341 kittens last year plus spayed mother cats. They were responsible for TNR on dozens and dozens of cats to keep the population down. North Whitehall Township has decided, with absolutely no input from the community, to shut them down! North Whitehall Township also decided that TNR is of no importance to the community and they do not participate in a TNR program. The board of North Whitehall Township voted unanimously to shut them down without permitting any public comment! They even went so far as to cancel an appeal hearing because there were so many supporters and community members who wanted to attend to show support for Foxy's Cradle. These people have absolutely no compassion at all and they should not hold these positions! Please sign and share this petition so Foxy's Cradle can continue to save the lives of motherless, homeless newborn kittens. Foxy's Cradle operates completely on donations and now most of their money is going to an attorney who is trying to fight for them. We need to get this ruling overturned as soon as possible. It's the only compassionate, ethical option

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