I hear the harsh metal grind as I am woken in the early hours,
the sound of a gate swinging heavily on its hinges.
Though it is not my own I raise my head,
listen intently and wonder what this day will bring.
I am fed, I am shackled, I am led from my cell,
though not free to roam.
My ward holds me tight, something tells me I'm stronger than him but it is not worth the fight.
I have seen those who run, those who escape...
Their momentary freedom turns to panic as they realise,
though they may run, they have forgotten how to shake loose from man's heavy handed regime.
A wary allegiance has formed, I too feel the confusion of a soft, soothing voice being overwhelmed and pushed aside by an impatient rough hand.
There are those that look at us and feel literal anguish at our neglect.
They don't see a machine, a number, a dollar.
They see a soul in need of healing, an ear in need of a whisper.
An independent heart in need of asking, not force.
(C) Sarah Kearvell 2008
I am writing to you today to protest strongly against the continuance of Steeple Chasing in the Racing Industry.
I am fully aware of the profit it brings trainer, bookie and jockeys alike upon big race days such as Oakbank, and such a 'sport' is hard to ban with such a strong following of spectators..
The 12 deaths that have occurred already this year, 12 innocent animals literally ridden into the ground has not made nearly as much media coverage as the thousands of drunk imbeciles happily cheering on a horse doomed to it's death, some of these people even hope they would fall...it's ..exciting. Is it not?
Over the years we have seen many changes in The Racing Industry, given it high injury rate..to riders and handlers. We have seen the introduction of helmets, chaps, safety boots and more recently, rider's vests, designed to soften the impact of a fall from a race horse.
What improvements have the horses had? What concern for their safety? Very little...and certainly not enough.
PLEASE take the time to sign this petition, it will be sent to the Victorian Racing Association..Steeple Chasing must be STOPPED not modifiyed.
Because it is brutal.
It is beyond the horse's capabilities.
Sooner or later, they will fall.
And they will be destroyed and replaced.Because it is brutal.
It is beyond the horse's capabilities.
Sooner or later, they will fall.
That much should be obvious when it has been shown that horses racing on the flat still fall, still get injured, still die in the name of entertainment. You may think me hypocritical to speak as I do after being involved in the Industry for so long myself but I took every opportunity to protect my horses (the horses put in my care to ride) from over work, neglect and cruelty, as I am now.
For 10 years I have been riding track work, strapping at (flat) races, educating yearlings, you name it. I have watched the brutalisation that some of these animals face EVERYDAY. I have an affinity with and a profound love for horses, their agility, kindness and strength.
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