Texas's Abortion Ban Could Kill People With Pregnancy-Related Medical Emergencies

In 2023, 20 women women became part of a part of a historic lawsuit against the state of Texas; these women were denied abortions, even though they faced serious health risks and complications during their pregnancies. These brave women stood against the state government -- one that is increasingly resembling Gilead in The Handmaid's Tale -- to demand access to reproductive care. Together, they argued that the state put their health or lives at risk by not allowing them to receive vital healthcare: abortions.

Nearly a year later, the Texas Supreme Court ruled against these women, but they aren't giving up. And neither will we.

Sign the petition now to tell Texas legislators to repeal their state's regressive, authoritarian abortion bans!

In theory, the current abortion bans in the state make an exception for medically necessary abortions. But many medical providers in Texas, as well as other U.S. states with similar abortion restrictions, say they do not feel safe providing abortions, even ones that are technically legal.

That is no accident: the state has worked hard to intentionally impose significant punishments to medical providers who offer abortions. In addition to hefty fines, doctors who offer abortions can lose their medical licenses or even face prison time. These are scare tactics to push all abortion providers out of the state, plain and simple.

The Texas abortion bans have made the state intentionally hostile to all people who seek abortions -- even medically necessary ones. These bans are working exactly as planned, and if the law continues to stand as is, pregnant people who need abortions to live will die.

We have seen it already happening in Georgia. Two women, Amber Nicole Thurman and Candi Miller, died after they suffered from complications from medical abortions. These complications are easily solved with a simple procedure that involved removing tissue from the uterus; but Amber Nicole Thurman's care was delayed due to Georgia's 6-week abortion ban, and Candi Miller was too terrified of the ban to seek help at all. Both of their deaths were ruled entirely preventable; they both leave behind children.

Shortly after these deaths were reported, a judge ruled that Georgia's abortion ban was unconstitutional and could not be upheld; abortions until 22 weeks are now allowed in the state, which will save countless lives and reinstates choice and autonomy.

We must use this momentum to reason with Texas' legislators. They cannot wait until stories of more dead women come to light!

We must push Texas legislators to repeal these abortion bans immediately! Sign the petition now if you agree!
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