Stop Koala’s Sufferings

  • av: Guillermo R
  • mottagare: Businesses that buy koala products

As many people know, koala's are a rare sight and die by human impacts. One of those impacts are cars. Over 4000 koalas die by cars and dogs each year. Also their habitat (trees) are taken down for human needs and wants. This needs to stop. They are just as lovable as any pet like dogs, cats, birds, fish, and etc. When you sign this petition, you represent a organization to stop this abuse against Koala's. Help us grow and become a Koala Protective Organization (KPO). At the same time, these Koala's don't attack people. They are lovable creatures that deserve care. THANK YOU FOR READING THIS!!!!:D

Uppdatera #16 år sedan
Thank you for 2 supporters! I can't wait to see this organization change the world of koala's!!
Also I will have a schedule of posting updates about our progress and every 2 days, I will give out a random fun fact about Koalas.
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