The "trade in bones from captive lions for use in Chinese 'medicines', wines and jewelry could spark risk of new pandemic, warn experts," according to The Daily Mail.
Add your name if you want to shut down this horrible industry, before any more lions suffer!
"The sickening trade in the bones of butchered lions for use in Chinese 'medicines', wines and jewellery could spark another catastrophic health crisis, experts have warned.
"An astonishing 333 farms in South Africa are breeding thousands of lions either to be shot by hunters in fenced enclosures or slaughtered for their bones, according to a devastating book serialised in The Mail on Sunday.
"It reveals how the booming trade in lion skeletons, worth millions of pounds a year, is fuelled by demand in China and South-East Asia for traditional medicines. Lion parts are also passed off as rarer tiger bones and used to make wine and trinkets," said the same source.
Let that number sink in... 333 farms where lions are bred in captivity, only to be slaughtered.
But it gets worse.
"More chillingly, the book by former Tory deputy chairman Lord Ashcroft claims the captive-bred lions are raised in such appalling conditions that they could spread fatal diseases to humans, including tuberculosis or botulism – and even spark another pandemic.
"Unfair Game details an undercover operation by ex-British Army and security services personnel to expose the horrors of South Africa's lion industry. The team recruited a dealer as a 'double agent' and planted tracking devices in lion skulls destined to be sold to the Far East.
"The eight-month operation uncovered a string of damning revelations, including how:
"- A wealthy Russian hunter used a pack of dogs to illegally hunt and kill a captive-bred lion in a fenced enclosure;
"- Wild lion cubs are being caught in Botswana and smuggled into South Africa to boost the gene pool of lions raised in captivity;
"- Undercover investigators joined poachers planning to kill wild lions in Botswana by poisoning or shooting them in the stomach to ensure their bones were not damaged;
"- Some lions are 'deboned' while still alive because this produces a distinctive pink colour – caused by blood left in the bone – that is highly valued by buyers;
"- Illegal wildlife trade is conducted openly at a public market in Johannesburg, where lion skulls and skins are sold alongside skins from endangered pangolins, which have been linked to the coronavirus pandemic;
"- A South African police chief rejected a mountain of evidence presented by Lord Ashcroft's chief investigator, who was then told he was 'lucky' not to be in jail," the same source went on to say.
The right thing to do couldn't be more clear.
This horrible industry has to be stopped once and for all.
That's why we're asking the entire Parliament of South Africa to take decisive action and ban the farming of lions forever.
Don't you want to help end the suffering of these poor lions?
Then add your name to ask the Parliament of South Africa to step up and do the right thing!
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