Stop cruel dog killing in Nepal

In February 2013 Nepalese police bludgeoned a dog to death. They first injured the dog by shooting at it and then attacked it with bamboo sticks. A video of the deeply upsetting killing was uploaded on youtube, see

With no welfare law in place, municipalities across Nepal, in order to control  numbers and (feared) outbreaks of rabies, kill dogs by poisoning them. The images of ‘man’s best friend’ dying a slow and agonizing death are heart rendering and deeply traumatizing for children and other members of the public. 

Contrary to what many believe, the number of dogs does not go down after poisoning. Within half a year the population recovers and often even increases. Besides, strychnine poison can harm humans and other animals. The disposal of the bodies is a major concern. 

Please sign this petition today to urge the government of Nepal to stop the cruel killings and to introduce humane dog population management instead.

Dear Minister,

We, the undersigned, urge you to ban cruel dog killings (including poisoning) in Nepal and instead introduce humane dog population and anti rabies management.

Dog killings are cruel and upsetting and do not provide long term solutions to overpopulation or dog bites. Humane and scientific methods have been successfully introduced in Nepal a decade ago. 

Thank you for stopping the killings and promoting humane solutions instead!

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