This is not fair! Why do animals deserve to be treated like this? What have they done to us? What did they do so wrong that we have to eat them? God didnt make cats and dogs for food. Did he? No he did not! So why is this okay? What is the difference between Animals and humans? Ill tell you one thing and thats the only thing, that is that they have a heart unlike humans. There is not creature worse then a human!

Please sign to stop this cruel thing! Im sure you wouldnt like it if i burned you, cut you into pieces and ate you... you wouldnt! So why put others through the same suffering?
Uppdatera #28 år sedan
Guys we got 50! Thats amazing! Can we keep going up! Yes we can! Tell all your family and friends to sign it please! Thank you! Toghever we will bring a change!!!
Uppdatera #18 år sedan
Four of you have supported! Thanks so much please promote this to your friends and family! Toghever we can make a change!
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